Mastering Color


Mastering Color

from $19.95

The Essentials of Color Illustrated with Oil

By Vicki McMurry

More than any other single tool at your artistic disposal, color has the potential to command the eye, quicken the pulse and elicit a response from your viewer. Mastering Color takes you beyond the color wheel, teaching you to paint with passion, follow your intuition and color "outside the lines." In this engaging and unique color workshop, Vicki offers insight for artists of every level and explains the basics of selecting a palette to designing with color. You will learn about mother colors, transition colors, the corner theory and additional color concepts that other books don't touch on.

With this book, you will:

  • Create a personal color palette as unique as your fingerprint

  • Discover color combinations for capturing a full range of atmospheres, from light and airy to moody and pensive

  • Turn a limited palette into unlimited possibilities

  • Use temperature and value to make color sin

  • Get tons of practical tips for making the most of specific colors, from working with white to mixing a range of natural greens and luminous blacks

  • Troubleshoot your paintings for common color shortcomings

By combining your intuitive color knowledge with classic color truths, you'll build powerful compositions that express your unique vision and embrace your viewers. Open your eyes to a world of color!

Page Count: 144


9781626540033 (Hardcover)

9781626549067 (Paperback)

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