Method Marketing


Method Marketing

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The Secrets of Direct Marketing Genius

By: Denison Hatch

Practical lessons from Direct Marketing Geniuses

Denny Hatch is a legendary direct marketing writer who has boiled down his copywriting expertise into the method marketing approach. Method marketing works by creating intrigue and delight for customers. Of course, this is easier said than done; so Hatch teaches us by recounting and analyzing case studies of wildly successful entrepreneurs who grew their large businesses on the power of their marketing copy. The stories he tells are entertaining, but he doesn’t limit himself to just vignettes. Method Marketing also guides us with dos and don’ts backed by facts and figures.

Here’s What Reviewers Have Said About Method Marketing:

Method Marketing shows “how to write successful direct response copy by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes. Packed with case histories of modern direct response success stories, including Bill Bonner of Agora Publishing, and Martin Edelston of Boardroom, Inc.” –Robert W. Bly, author of over 100 books on direct marketing including The Copywriter’s Handbook. Bly included Method Marketing on his best marketing books ever list as “One of 10 Marketing Books Actually Worth Reading”

“…the examples chosen here [in Method Marketing] are powerful—and more important, their workings are explained in detail. The best letters are dissected and parsed down to individual words, with statistics and research supporting the results. Hatch’s colloquial tone attracts even readers otherwise not used to advertising matters; eloquent stories such as the fall and rise of Covenant House, for instance, will not fail to mesmerize.”

Booklist (published by the American Library Association)

“Written in a fun and conversational tone, this book was hard to put down. As founder of the newsletter Who’s Mailing What! Hatch owns the largest private collection of direct mail. At one time, advertisers were sending him 3,000 to 4,000 mailers a month. He’s a direct mail expert indeed.”

Inside Business

302 pages, complete methodology and case studies


9781648372759 (Hardcover)

9781648372766 (Paperback)

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Review of Method Markting

by Oluchi Samuel 

To make a lot of profit, business owners need to understand and employ marketing. As the name implies, Method Marketing by Denny Hatch is a book that educates readers on method marketing. The author also shares the stories of some people who employed method marketing.

Marketing is the business of acquiring customers and continually thrilling them. Method marketing, on the other hand, is the ability to get inside the heads and under the skin of the people you are marketing your product to. Direct mail is the largest advertising medium, and it is the medium a lot of method marketers build their businesses on. The author shared the stories of some marketers with huge businesses. These marketers were Father Bruce Ritters, Martin Edelston, John Peterman, Bill Bonner, Bob Shnayerson, Curt Strohacker, David Oreck, and William Kennedy. They owned businesses like The Boardroom, J. Peterman Company, Agora Publishing, The Eastwood Company, The Oreck Corporation, and Western Monetary Consultants. He shared their stories, how they started their businesses, and he also dropped points for marketers to pick up from their experiences.

This is a wonderful book with lots of great lessons in marketing. I loved that the author shared some successful marketers' experiences. He used these stories to educate us. He discussed how they started their businesses and some of the mistakes they made along the way. These real-life stories made me understand his lessons quite well. I appreciated them. Readers who are planning on venturing into these businesses could learn a great deal from these stories. The author also exposed me to some businesses I hadn't heard of before, like The Teaching Company, Agora Publishing, Quest/77, and The Oreck Company.

Copywriting is a business venture I have been meaning to start. Luckily for me, I got the opportunity to read this book. The author showed the significance of copywriting and also shared tips on how to write great copies. I loved that he shared some great copies. It gave me insights and taught me how good copies should be written. The story of the First Bank of Troy was one of the stories I loved. The president of the bank, Frank O. Brock, operated a customer-friendly business. He paid personal attention to all his customers. He would go over lists of customers and call or give personal notes to them at least once a month. As a novice in marketing, I appreciated the appendix the author added at the end of the book. It saved me a lot of trips to the dictionary.

For all these reasons, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. It is an amazing book that all marketers should read. There was absolutely nothing to dislike. I found one error, showing that it was professionally edited. I recommend it to marketers and people planning on venturing into marketing, as it contains a lot of tips to flourish in marketing.